Menu of Indicators

The project team’s research also led to the creation of the which provides a framework for evaluation and suggestions for indicators that fit into the larger context of community attachment and livability and how to measure them.

This menu is not meant to be an exhaustive list of every possible indicator that could be used within the tool, as it was important to allow administrators a certain amount of flexibility in their
evaluations. It is meant to guide selection, not dictate what arts administrators should measure. Instead, the group drew from previous research and selected ten indicators that seemed to best represent each goal category. By selecting only ten indicators for each category, the team ensure that the list remained manageable, digestible and easily adaptable.

For example, in the “Quality of Life” Goal Category, three indicators are: accessibility to the arts, visual appeal of place/aesthetic landscape, and variety of offerings for entertainment and leisure activities.

The Menu of Indicators can be viewed here.